Release of the SCD Toolbox prototype.
Idea to use MS Visio as platform came from Principal Engineer Automation Idar Pe Ingebrigtsen (Statoil ASA).
Our SAS engineer Yury Stepanets has developed the first prototype in the end of 2009. Programming code was based on VBA platform and in case of MS supporting and future development this has many technical limitations and in addition to technical limitation VBA is not advised by Microsoft for this type of solutions.
Our developer and engineer was involved in prototype project developing and have many year experience with operation and developing of SAS system and based on information above we decide to come with alternative solution for SCD concept.
New project was started in February 2013. Our concept was based on other program development platform .NET. We have decided to use Microsoft Visio as user interface to make it easy for many other users who used old prototype for some test purposes. For future plan development we will develop possibilities to implement similar functionality in others drawing solutions to provide users most suitable choices.
MIDT SCD Visio ToolBox solution has new SCD stencil, based on NORSOK I-005.
New release of alternative commercial SCD solution is available now for download. Solution is 30 days free for commercial use and fully free for education purpose use. We expect that this time will be enough to take your decision to buy our new SCD solution product. Support.
This product is fully supported by MidTechnology engineers and developers. In addition to support agreement we can provide extra services to implement user own function, shapes and SCD block in our program code.
We have ambition to continue work for developing of this tools based on the best practical from SAS developer and Safety and Automation system suppliers, and of course from Norwegian Standard Committee.
I hope that all of us have common understanding that feedback is very important for developer of such technical solution.